City Winery

City Winery:
"A private label winery for you make your own barrel! Choose your favorite grape, consult with our master winemaker, crush, ferment, bottle, and label your 250 bottles per barrel right here in downtown New York City."
A Pint-Size Problem

A Pint-Size Problem - WSJ.com:
"Some restaurants have replaced 16-ounce pint glasses with 14 ouncers -- a type of glassware one bartender called a 'falsie.'
And customers are complaining that bartenders are increasingly putting less than 16 ounces of beer in a pint glass, filling up the extra space with foam."
Cedric Benson Runs Past More Red Lights Than Defenders

Da DUIs: Cedric Benson Runs Past More Red Lights Than Defenders:
"Cedric Benson, a month removed from a Sun Chips-fueled boozy boating excursion with mom gone awry, was charged with drunk driving this morning in Texas. This will surely help to build sympathy for him against what he says were trumped up charges issued during the May 3 incident."
Veteran sportscaster Jim McKay dies at 86

Veteran sportscaster Jim McKay dies at 86 :
"Jim McKay, the venerable and eloquent sportscaster thrust into the role of telling Americans about the tragedy at the 1972 Munich Olympics, has died. He was 86."
Woman Quarantined With Bird Mite Infestation

Woman Quarantined With Bird Mite Infestation:
"Added Dr. Shadab Ahmed of Nassau Medical Center, 'They can stick to the body. They are extremely tiny. I just sent three to be tested to the parasitology lab for identification.'
Doctors say there is absolutely no public health hazard. Mites can't feed off human skin and will eventually drop off, but until then …
'They were biting her all night long,' Shea said. 'They were coming out of her ears, her nose, some other places.'"
The 50 Best Pun Stores

The 50 Best Pun Stores | The Best Article Every day:
"Pun stores. Stores with puns in the title. Bet you didn’t think we could rank the 50 best ones. But you didn’t even think there were 50. Well guess again. BWE.tv has scoured the internet and pulled together the 50 Best Pun Establishments."
Naked man stuck in portable potty
Naked man stuck in portable potty - Criminal weirdness- msnbc.com:
"Police say the man had been drinking and had taken off his clothes. Somehow, he immersed himself in the holding tank."
"Police say the man had been drinking and had taken off his clothes. Somehow, he immersed himself in the holding tank."
Could Zeppelins soon grace our skies again?

Could Zeppelins soon grace our skies again? | Technology | The Guardian: "A new generation of environmentally friendly 'hybrid airships' could be just about to take off"
When every song ever recorded fits on your MP3 player, will you listen to any of them?
When every song ever recorded fits on your MP3 player, will you listen to any of them?, page 1 - Music - Phoenix New Times - Phoenix New Times: "Google vice president Sukhinder Singh Cassidy predicts that in seven years, every song ever recorded in the world will fit into our pockets."
Dumb Things Baseball Fans Get Excited About

As a patron at any baseball outing you need to prepare yourself to sit with thousands of people who get charged up about the dumbest things. Allow us to play Scrooge on a trip to the old ball game.
read more | digg story
Beer for Greenies!

Beer for Greenies! | EcoGeek: "After the introduction of Wal-Mart’s scorecard, I’ve enjoyed watching manufacturers make a mad dash to modify their packaging and processing to reduce waste. Everything from laundry detergent to electronics to soda pop. And beer is not to be left out! While keeping an eye on this evolution of packaging, I noticed Adnam’s efforts. Of course, the fat NPR piece on their new beer helped grab my attention too."
10 Uninhabited Spots in the U.S.
The Quick 10: 10 Uninhabited Spots in the U.S.: "Maybe you’ve noticed… there are a lot of people in the United States. But even with a population of 304,260,083 (so says the U.S. Census Bureau’s Population Clock as of 1:30 p.m.), there are still some places that have been relatively untouched. You might find a radio tower or an airstrip, but no inhabitants. Here are a few of them."
Video: Stealth Bomber Crashes

Video: Stealth Bomber Crashes
"On takeoff from Andersen Air Force Base, the $1.4 billion plane abruptly 'pitched up, rolled and yawed to the left before plunging to the ground,' the AP describes. The reason why: 'Water distorted preflight readings in three of the plane's 24 sensors, making the aircraft's control computer force the B-2 to pitch up on takeoff, resulting in a stall and subsequent crash.' Luckily, 'both pilots ejected safely just after the left wing made contact with the ground in the first crash since the maiden B-2 flights nearly 20 years ago.' Check out the video, and you'll see just how fortunate the pilots were to make it out."
Backstage at a Bank Funeral

Backstage at a Bank Funeral: Feds Swoop In on an Unsuspecting Town - WSJ.com: "It isn't easy for 75 federal officials and contractors to slip into a small town undetected and liquidate an 89-year-old bank without anyone knowing. But that's what just happened in this old railroad town, population 3,200. It's a scene that's likely to repeat itself across the country as banks struggle through a painful credit cycle, overwhelmed by troubled mortgages and soured construction loans.
First Integrity, which had two branches and $55 million in assets, was the fourth FDIC-insured bank to fail this year. That's one more than during the entire three-year stretch leading up to 2008. Some analysts predict that as many as 150 banks, mostly small and medium-size, could fail over the next three years."
The 15 Ways You'll Probably Die
The Worrier’s Almanac Guide--The 15 Ways You'll Probably Die — Ten Car Train:
"While there’s a chance you’ll die in mysterious or unexpected circumstances, there’s a far better chance you’ll die of heart disease in a hospital bed decades from now."
"While there’s a chance you’ll die in mysterious or unexpected circumstances, there’s a far better chance you’ll die of heart disease in a hospital bed decades from now."
Egypt uncovers 'missing' pyramid of a pharaoh

STLtoday - News: "Egyptian archaeologists unveiled on Thursday a 4,000-year-old 'missing pyramid' that is believed to have been discovered by an archaeologist almost 200 years ago and never seen again."
Is Golf Causing Diabetes?

Study Links Pesticide Used at Golf Courses to Diabetes - thedailygreen.com: "pesticide commonly used on the turf at golf courses was linked to a whopping 250% increase in diabetes risk to the workers who apply the pesticides, according to one of the largest studies of its kind, by the National Institutes of Health."
The Red Pill: 10 Films Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind

The Red Pill: 10 Films Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind: "My English teacher once told me that good short stories were the ones that spoke to universal truths.
These were the stories that go beyond mere characters and their antics through an imaginary universe. They offer an insight into the human condition: what is life? what is truth? what is reality?
The same could be said for memorable films. Only films convey their meaning in a more sensory way - using both audio and visual elements to enter the mind of the viewer."
The big get bigger as Verizon swallows up Alltel

The big get bigger as Verizon swallows up Alltel: "A day after the first reports of negotiations surfaced, cellular carrier Verizon Wireless has announced its purchase of smaller rival Alltel for $28.1 billion. Verizon Wireless brags that the deal will make it the largest cellular carrier in the US, eclipsing rival AT&T, which vaulted into the top spot after merging with Cingular in late 2004."
Stalin’s Deranged Vision of a Human-Ape Super Race

Stalin’s Deranged Vision of a Human-Ape Super Race : Environmental News Blog | Environmental Graffiti: "The institute founded in 1927 was rumored to have come into existence, as part of Stalin’s disturbing plan to make legions of industrial workers that would be inhumane in strength, while mentally subdued. This would in theory, be achieved by inseminating female chimpanzees with human sperm from male donors, in order to create human-ape hybrids that could mindlessly build cities at terrifying speeds."
Gallery: The Drive-In Theater Turns 75

Gallery: The Drive-In Theater Turns 75: "To celebrate the Drive-In's 75th birthday, we asked readers to submit their favorite drive-in photos from around the country. The now-dwindling venues have come to represent an American era of coveted cars and mesmerizing movies. Click through to see our favorite reader-submitted drive-in photos, from California to New Jersey."
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The death of a video game arcade

Video arcades' last gasp -- chicagotribune.com: "'Teenagers haven't come in a long while,' said Thompson, who manages Gameland with her husband, Carl. 'The people we get now come out looking to remember something from their past. They look around, they play a bit, then they leave.'"
Bill Belichick's Arkansas Love Connection

Bill Belichick's Arkansas Love Connection
"Belichick is romantically linked to an Arkansas woman, Linda Holliday, who Belichik reportedly was seen with at the Final Four in San Antonio in April."
Website Lets You Send a Post-Rapture E-Mail

Website Lets You Send a Post-Rapture E-Mail to Friends 'Left Behind' | Threat Level from Wired.com:
"If millions of Christians suddenly disappear from the face of the Earth as the opening act for Armageddon, Threat Level thinks most nonbelievers will be too busy freaking the hell out to check their e-mail. But if they do log in, now they can be treated to some post-Rapture needling from their missing friends and loved ones, courtesy of web startup YouveBeenLeftBehind.com."
Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation

Physicists have 'solved' mystery of levitation - Telegraph: "In earlier work the same team of theoretical physicists showed that invisibility cloaks are feasible.
Now, in another report that sounds like it comes out of the pages of a Harry Potter book, the University of St Andrews team has created an 'incredible levitation effects’ by engineering the force of nature which normally causes objects to stick together."
14 Creative Advertisements

14 Creative Advertisements Part 2: "After the success of our 14 Creative Advertisements post, we decided to post another collection of creative advertising ideas. Enjoy"
10 Operas You Didn’t Know You Already Like

10 Operas You Didn’t Know You Already Like:
"If the word 'opera' brings an image of a fat lady singing and sends you running away, you’re missing out. Many operas are so famous that they’ve entered into pop culture. In fact, you probably already know more about operas than you think. Here are the 10 Operas You Didn’t Know You Already Like:"
105 Logo Design Resources

105 Logo Design Resources:
"Logo design in today’s world has come to be one of the most important aspects of creating a brand identity and connecting with consumers. Logo’s are everywhere - the web, books, magazines, newspapers, television, movies…you name it, there is some type of logo. Logos have become a symbol of corporations, business, and success. Nothing says “professional” like a well designed logo. Today, I want to showcase 105 logo design tuts and resources to help you take your logo design to the next level."
Red wine stops effects of high-fat diet

Red wine stops effects of high-fat diet - Telegraph: "Red wine does indeed explain why the French get away with a relatively clean bill of heart health despite eating a diet loaded with saturated fats, concludes a new study."
2008 Best Cities to Live, Work and Play

No. 7: Fayetteville, Ark.
2008 Best Cities to Live, Work and Play
In our search for the ten best cities in which to live and work, we sought places with strong economies and abundant jobs, plus reasonable living costs and plenty of fun things to do. When we ran the numbers, some of the places that popped up made us do a double take at first. But we think our formula highlights places destined for future success. Take a look at our rankings.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Six Best Boxed Wines Out There | MainStreet

The Six Best Boxed Wines Out There | MainStreet: "Drinking wine out of a box, it’s pretty fair to say, has over the years generally not been the path to recognition by one’s peers as a gentleman or a lady. Problem drinker is more like it."
300 Calorie Food Picture Gallery

300 Calorie Food Picture Gallery:
"Why 300 Calorie? Originally the idea was to count how many calorie I spend working for two hours on the PC (between the obligatory breaks I make) and bicycling on a stationary bike for half an hour (my favorite indoor sports activity). With the help of this tool I found out that both activities require approximately 300 Calorie."
Polinko - Free online Game

An other very relaxing online game - clear all red pieces and try to hit the ball at the bottom to get an extra ball.
Bush invokes 'Rock Chalk' during Kansas' visit

KU makes traditional trip to White House - Men's College Basketball:
"In a Rose Garden ceremony and an Oval Office tour, President Bush honored the University of Kansas as the 2008 NCAA men's basketball champions on Tuesday."
The 10 Oldest Bars in the United States

The 10 Oldest Bars in the United States
"Here are the ten oldest bars in the United States to help you go back in time to when your ancestors met and accidentally spawned future generations."
The 100 Best Movie Posters of All Time

The 100 Best Movie Posters of All Time: "A great movie poster is a hard thing to find. Most posters are cut and paste jobs that don't sell the movie very well at all. A great poster should intrigue, shock, inspire & excite. It should be aesthetically beautiful or original. Above all, it should be so memorable that a single glance will be instantly recognizable."
magnetic fields

Animate Projects - Magnetic Movie: "Natural magnetic fields are revealed as chaotic, ever-changing geometries.
Scientists from NASA's Space Sciences Laboratory excitedly describe their discoveries.
Natural magnetic fields are revealed as chaotic, ever-changing geometries as scientists from NASA's Space Sciences Laboratory excitedly describe their discoveries."
'Sarcasm' brain areas discovered

BBC NEWS | Health | 'Sarcasm' brain areas discovered: "Scientists say they have located the parts of the brain that comprehend sarcasm - honestly.
By comparing healthy people and those with damage to different parts of the brain, they found the front of the brain was key to understanding sarcasm."
3 People Who Are Pushing the Edge of Science | Extraterrestrial Life | DISCOVER Magazine

3 People Who Are Pushing the Edge of Science
"Growing electronics with viruses, finding alien life, and quantum privacy protection."
How to Make an Elevator an Express Elevator

How to Make an Elevator an Express Elevator - wikiHow: "How to Make an Elevator an Express Elevator
You're on the first floor and your meeting is on the tenth. You get in the elevator, but it suddenly stops on the third floor. Someone gets on and presses the '5' button. So now you have to stop at 5 to let this guy off, plus go to your meeting. Now you are late for your meeting. If only you could have skipped his 'elevator call' and gone straight up."
Kurt Cobain's Ashes Stolen From Love's Home

Kurt Cobain's Ashes Stolen From Love's Home | Hollyscoop:
"Courtney Love is reportedly “suicidal” after discovering the ashes of her late husband Kurt Cobain were stolen from her LA home."
50 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do
50 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do
"Self-reliance is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life. To be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills, more or less making them a jack of all trades. Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of only one.
While not totally comprehensive, here is a list of 50 things everyone should know how to do."
"Self-reliance is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life. To be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills, more or less making them a jack of all trades. Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of only one.
While not totally comprehensive, here is a list of 50 things everyone should know how to do."
Free Wakeup Calls and Telephone Reminders
Wakerupper.com - Free Wakeup Calls and Telephone Reminders:
"Wakerupper is the web's easiest telephone reminder tool.
Schedule reminder calls on the web. It couldn't be simpler."
Use Wakerupper to...
"Wakerupper is the web's easiest telephone reminder tool.
Schedule reminder calls on the web. It couldn't be simpler."
Use Wakerupper to...
Set a wake-up call at a specific time
Remind yourself of important events
Remember to take medication on time
Escape from a boring date or meeting
Remind child or spouse to do chores
Set reminders for tasks and follow-ups
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