Friday Fun w/ Michael Jackson
Thanks Brooke!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Make a bid on Dwight's Nissan Xterra

Make a bid on Dwight's Nissan Xterra - TV Squad: "Who saw last night's episode of The Office? Were you mesmerized as Dwight swindled Andy into taking a lower offer for his Nissan Xterra? Were you jealous and wished that you could do the same thing? Well now's your chance... sort of. Although, by the time this auction is over, you may have some issues flipping it for a higher price like Dwight did."
China builds its large-scale future

China builds its large-scale future - International Herald Tribune: "Adorned in the colors of imperial China, with a roof that evokes the scales of a dragon, the massive glass- and steel-sheathed structure, designed by the British architect Norman Foster, cost $3.8 billion and can handle more than 50 million passengers a year.
The developers call it the 'most advanced airport building in the world,' and say it was completed in less than four years, a timetable some believed impossible. It opened in late February with little fanfare, but also without the kind of glitches that plagued Heathrow's new $8.7 billion terminal near London, which took six years to complete.
This is the image China would like to project as it plays host to the Olympic Games this summer - a confident rising power constructing dazzling new monuments that exemplify its rapid progress and its audacious ambition."
The 'Hard Disk Crusher' doesn't mess around

The 'Hard Disk Crusher' doesn't mess around | Crave : The gadget blog: "This no-nonsense machine from EDR Solutions does exactly what its name says, destroying a hard disk in as little as 10 seconds. 'It basically 'drills' through the hard drive's spindles which physically creates ripples in the platters making it impossible to recover any data,' OhGizmo says."
Baptist Minister Asks McCain: "Did You Call Your Wife A C**t?"
Here's the exchange from the forum:"
Face of Jesus appears on cider bottle

Face of Jesus appears on cider bottle to amazement of pub drinkers | the Daily Mail: "I'm not sure what message Jesus was sending and maybe now we'll never know.'
Had they only held on to the bottle it could have been worth considerably more than the �2.49 it cost over the bar.
Four years ago on eBay, American Diana Duyser sold a piece of ten-year-old toasted cheese sandwich - which appeared to feature the face of the Virgin Mary - for �15,000."
'Sexy' voice gives fertile women away

'Sexy' voice gives fertile women away - being-human - 01 May 2008 - New Scientist: "A woman's voice becomes more attractive when she is most fertile. That's according to Nathan Pipitone and Gordon Gallup of the State University of New York at Albany.
The pair recorded women counting from 1 to 10 at four occasions during their menstrual cycle. They then replayed the recordings at random to male and female students and asked them to rate the attractiveness of the voices. Both males and females judged the women's voices to be most attractive if they were recorded during the peak fertility period of the menstrual cycle, and less attractive if they were recorded during non-fertile periods"
World's Most Expensive Apartment

WallStreetFighter: World's Most Expensive Apartment: "The world's most expensive apartment sold for $200 Million, and it hasn't even been built yet.
A lot of people in New York complain about the extremely high cost of living in the city, but they can be considered trailer park trash compared to what people are paying in London right now."
Thursday, May 1, 2008
New study: 58 percent of black children can't swim
NEW YORK (AP) -- Nearly 60 percent of African-American children can't swim, almost twice the figure for white children, according to a first-of-its-kind survey which USA Swimming hopes will strengthen its efforts to lower minority drowning rates and draw more blacks into the sport."
"Multi-tasking no sweat for Owings" by MLB Blog

"Multi-tasking no sweat for Owings" by MLB Blog:
“You go into Arizona, you know the chances are three out of five that you get Brandon Webb, Dan Haren or Randy Johnson, or you get Doug Davis, who won 15 games last year," Padres ace Jake Peavy said. "And Micah Owings can both pitch and rake."
"Rake," in baseball parlance, meaning hit the ball well. The quote was taken well before Owings struck a tying pinch-hit homer to the opposite field Wednesday, raising his batting average to .421 and his OPS to 1.082, just stupid numbers for a starting pitcher who's not that long into only his second big-league season. Asked if baseball's ever seen anyone like Owings, teammate Conor Jackson invoked the hallowed named of Babe Ruth.
McDonald’s Strange Menu Around the World

McDonald’s Strange Menu Around the World:
"So you think you know the McDonald's menu like the back of your hand? Think again. From McDonald's international, here are some menu items you have probably never tried before."
Me No Speak

Me No Speak:
"In preparation of an upcoming trip to Beijing I was recently given a Me No Speak Language Companion. A twist on the traditional phrase book format and design, the Me No Speak book provides small illustrations labeled in both English and Chinese so that you can point to images when trying to communicate."
Where The Hobo Religous Fanatic Hides His Booze

Where The Hobo Religous Fanatic Hides His Booze:
"If you live in a major city, you know about the crazy homeless religious fanatics which turn up every so often at a major street corner, clutching a Bible to their chest and preaching about the upcoming apocalypse and how we’re all going to burn in hell. Meanwhile, Pastor Hobo over here is chugging booze through out his whole sermon."
The Bypass Effect On Diabetes, Cancer - 60 Minutes
How your computer keyboard is FIVE TIMES dirtier than your toilet seat

How your computer keyboard is FIVE TIMES dirtier than your toilet seat - and could even give you 'qwerty tummy' | the Daily Mail:
"Computer keyboards can harbour more harmful bacteria than a lavatory seat, it has been claimed."
Vampires are proved to exist

Vampires are proved to exist - Pravda.Ru:
"Legends about vampires, so popular among gothic-style fans, have a real base. People that fear daylight, have yellow fang-like teeth, animal-looking nails and are allergic to garlic do exist, not to mention those who merely wear black, gothic jewelry, gets fang implants and bites innocent old ladies while high. By the way, the fact that old ladies are bitten isn’t a myth; in the Kaliningrad region a teenager killed 2 pensioners for a special vampire ceremony. The cruelest accident happened in Great Britain 4 years ago. Then a 17-year teenager slaughtered his female neighbor, teared out her heart and sucked out blood to gain immortality."
Things Other People Accomplished When They Were Your Age
"Please send me your own accomplishment(s) or those of other people, famous or not, along with the corresponding ages, and I will consider adding them. (Note: I need the ages or I can't use them!) I especially need the following:
1. Great or unusual accomplishments by people over 50.
2. Inspirational achievements that anyone could do (for example, community involvement).
3. Ordinary, everyday, or humorous accomplishments.
4. Worthless, pathetic or dubious accomplishments."
Conservative Philanthropists Are More Generous, Experts Say
"Syracuse University professor Arthur C. Brooks is about to become the darling of the religious right in America -- and it's making him nervous.
The child of academics, raised in a liberal household and educated in the liberal arts, Brooks has written a book that concludes religious conservatives donate far more money than secular liberals to all sorts of charitable activities, irrespective of income.
In the book, he cites extensive data analysis to demonstrate that values advocated by conservatives -- from church attendance and two-parent families to the Protestant work ethic and a distaste for government-funded social services -- make conservatives more generous than liberals."
The History of Color In Photography

Color Design Blog / The History of Color In Photography by COLOURlovers:
"Color in photography has come a long way since the first permanent color photo was taking in 1861. Now nearly 150 years later we thought we would take a look and see where and how color developed in photography. Starting with the black and white beginnings."
Mom arrested after 32 years on lam

Mom arrested after 32 years on lam - Crime & courts-
"A woman who escaped from a Detroit prison 32 years ago has been arrested in San Diego, where she was married with three children and living under a false name, authorities said."
8 Supersized Sea Monsters

8 Supersize Sea Monsters:
"Two Thai fishermen show off a 646-pound giant catfish they caught in the Mekong River in the Chiang Khong district of Chiang Rai Province in northern Thailand in mid-May 2005. The fish reportedly scared some tourists."
The NeoCube
The NeoCube
Read the Book! 23 Disappointing Movie Adaptations

Read the Book! 23 Disappointing Movie Adaptations | Photos |
"The misguided ''Golden Compass'' has found its way to DVD -- but it's not the first book-to-big-screen project to veer off course, as fans of ''Da Vinci Code,'' ''Memoirs of a Geisha,'' ''Eyes Wide Shut,'' and these other books could tell you"
7 Common Cooking Mistakes

America's Most Overrated Product: the Bachelor's Degree
"Among high-school students who graduated in the bottom 40 percent of their classes, and whose first institutions were four-year colleges, two-thirds had not earned diplomas eight and a half years later. That figure is from a study cited by Clifford Adelman, a former research analyst at the U.S. Department of Education and now a senior research associate at the Institute for Higher Education Policy. Yet four-year colleges admit and take money from hundreds of thousands of such students each year!"
The man who grew a finger
"How? Well that's the truly remarkable part. It wasn't a transplant. Mr Spievak re-grew his finger tip. He used a powder - or pixie dust as he sometimes refers to it while telling his story.
Mr Speivak's brother Alan - who was working in the field of regenerative medicine - sent him the powder.
For ten days Mr Spievak put a little on his finger.
'The second time I put it on I already could see growth. Each day it was up further. Finally it closed up and was a finger.
'It took about four weeks before it was sealed.'
Now he says he has 'complete feeling, complete movement.'"
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Get Ready For The Toronto Bills

Get Ready For The Toronto Bills:
"The Buffalo Bills will cross the border and play five regular season games in Toronto over the next five seasons, becoming the first NFL team to play annual games outside of the U.S."
Google Adsense selling Mexican Brides on my blog???

I put a link to a cool Slashfood article on Mexican Food's heath benefits and.... now I am selling Pretty Mexican Brides! Click image above to enlarge
Pink Floyd's missing giant pig has landed
Pink Floyd's missing giant pig has landed | Entertainment | Reuters:
"A giant inflatable pig that went missing from a Southern California music festival at the weekend has been found in tatters in a desert town.
The pig, which has been a signature Pink Floyd stage prop since its appearance on the 1977 cover of 'Animals' and the song 'Pigs on Wings,' broke away from its tethers on Sunday night at Coachella Valley Arts and Music Festival."
Mexican food might reduce breast cancer

Mexican food might reduce breast cancer - Slashfood:
"According to the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a native Mexican diet full of soups, legumes, tomato-based sauces, meat and Mexican cheeses seems to help prevent breast cancer. Whether the foods and dished are topped with a chili or two wasn't stated, but Hispanic women believe it's the chili in Mexican food that may prevent breast cancer."
David Blaine sets breath holding record for Oprah
David Blaine sets breath holding record for Oprah | Entertainment | Reuters: "Magician David Blaine set a world record for underwater breath holding on Wednesday when he stopped breathing for more than 17 minutes suspended in a water-filled sphere on the stage of Oprah Winfrey's talk show.
'I feel great,' the bearded 35-year-old Brooklyn-born Blaine said when he was pulled to the surface after setting the mark."
5 Endangered Species We Could Save By Eating

Operation Knife n’ Fork: 5 Endangered Species We Could Save By Eating : Environmental News Blog | Environmental Graffiti:
"Looking at the following list from a species perspective (those that can be farmed) and taking it with a little dash of salt, I present to you a delicious list of five endangered species that could be saved by our stomachs. In order of what I would prefer to eat."
Must Read: 20 Science Books Every Scifi Fan (and Writer) Should Read

Must Read: 20 Science Books Every Scifi Fan (and Writer) Should Read:
"You can't have great science fiction writing without great books about science. Ever since the nineteenth century, when Charles Darwin's classics On the Origin of Species and The Descent of Man took the reading public by storm, popular science writing has been inspiring fictional thought experiments, as well as possibly less-inspiring political debates. What are the science books you should be reading now if you want your brain turned inside-out by weird new ideas that might just change the world for real? We've got 20 brilliant, and brilliantly-written, science books that have already influenced science fiction — or are about to."
Central Washington offers the ultimate act of sportsmanship - College Sports

Central Washington offers the ultimate act of sportsmanship - College Sports:
"Western Oregon senior Sara Tucholsky had never hit a home run in her career. Central Washington senior Mallory Holtman was already her school's career leader in them. But when a twist of fate and a torn knee ligament brought them face to face with each other and face to face with the end of their playing days, they combined on a home run trot that celebrated the collective human spirit far more than individual athletic achievement."
Idol: Paula Critiques Jason’s Second Song — Before He Sings It!
"After the contestants sang their first song, the judges had a chance to quickly give their first impressions before the contestants sang a second selection. At this point, a rushed and confused Paula started reading her notes and told Jason, “The second song, I felt like your usual charm was missing for me. It kind of left me a little empty and the two songs made me feel like you’re not fighting hard enough to get into the top four.” The only problem: Jason had only performed once!"
See Video
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Childhood Fears photo collection

Childhood Fears
"“My images are not photoshop collages.I use photoshop to finesse details and to adjust color and contrast for printing.I use friends and family members as actors and crew.Everyone works for free. We do it for fun.” says Joshua Hoffine whose eye catching artworks may remind us of our very own childhood fears!"
Clemens began affair with singer when she was 15
AFP: Clemens began affair with singer when she was 15: report: "Embattled Major League Baseball star Roger Clemens began a 10-year affair with country music singer Mindy McCready when she was just 15 years old, the New York Daily News reported Monday.
Citing several unnamed sources, the newspaper's report is the latest blow to the legendary pitcher's reputation as he fights allegations of steroid doping and remains under investigation for lying at a Congressional hearing."
Koolaid Dills - Kickles

Koolaid Dills - Home:
"We Call em 'Kickles' for Kool-Aid Pickles
Welcome to Kool-Aid Dills! There's a lot of in the news about our product. See what the New York Times and Entrepreneur Magazine has to say!
Shavarda Lott holds up a Kool-Aid pickle at Fred's Quick Pack in Metcalfe, Miss."
America's Weirdest Real Laws...
"Just for the fun of it, here are some of the best strange, and real laws in the United States (don't tell your lawyer friends).
It is illegal to...
...Pawn your dentures in Las Vegas.
...Tie your pet crocodile to a fire hydrant in Michigan.
...Walk your elephant without a leash in Wisconsin.
...Hunt whales from your automobile in California.
...Serve ice cream on cherry pie in Kansas."
Newlyweds jailed after brawl at Pittsburgh-area hotel
"A newlywed couple spent the night in separate jail cells — she in her wedding gown — after police said they brawled with each other, then members of another wedding party, at a suburban Pittsburgh hotel.
The fight started Saturday night after a reception when he knocked her to the floor with a karate kick in the seventh-floor hallway of a Holiday Inn — and escalated when she attacked two guests from another wedding party who came to her aid, police said."
7 things you absolutely must do in Amsterdam

7 things you absolutely must do in Amsterdam:
"Although Amsterdam is quite small compared to most European capitals, the city offers not only a wide range of world-class entertainment and abundance of cultural and historical attractions, but also some unique experiences that tourists couldn’t have anywhere else. If you are heading to Amsterdam in the near future for the first time, the following mini-list of 7 things you absolutely must do in Amsterdam will help you make your visit a memorable one."
Don't underestimate a red back spider!

Don't underestimate a red back spider!:
"An office receptionist got the shock of her life earlier this week when she found a 14cm long snake entangled in the web of a deadly spider.
Tania Robertson, a receptionist at an electrical firm , came in to work on Tuesday and spotted the strange sight next to a desk in her office.
The snake, which had obviously died from the spider's poisonous bite, was off the ground and caught up in the web."
We need a Nobel prize for kids - opinion - 29 April 2008 - New Scientist
"How do we engage more youth in science? You might say that this is a 'good question' – and that's precisely the key. We need to leverage children's natural propensity to ask questions.
Most young children are born scientists, often frustrating their parents and teachers with a deluge of questions, perpetually asking 'but why?' For some reason, though, a child's desire to explore often wanes with age. Only a select few retain their curiosity and grow up to make world-changing breakthroughs in science."
Intelligence And Rhythmic Accuracy Go Hand In Hand

Intelligence And Rhythmic Accuracy Go Hand In Hand:
"Researchers at the medical university Karolinska Institutet and Ume�University have now demonstrated a correlation between general intelligence and the ability to tap out a simple regular rhythm."
Glass Micromachine Makes Silk the Same Way Spiders Do

Glass Micromachine Makes Silk the Same Way Spiders Do:
"A team at the Technical University of Munich in Germany has designed a glass chip pierced with micro-sized tubes that act the same way as spider silk glands, and can be used to replicate the initial stages of natural silk production. It's an interesting development since production of artificial spider silk has proven difficult in industrial quantities and qualities, and its tensile strength to density ratio is five times that of steel, making it potentially very useful as armor and in medical applications."
Ugly Bug Contest

Ugly Bugs:
"Advances in macro photography and the development of the electron microscope have shown us a world nature never intended for us to see. Over the years, they’ve shown us how very ugly insects can be if you take a close look!"
Is Mathematics Discovered or Invented?

Is Mathematics Discovered or Invented?:
"For centuries people have debated whether – like scientific truths – mathematics is discoverable, or if it is simply invented by the minds of our great mathematicians."
Religion a figment of human imagination
"Humans alone practice religion because they're the only creatures to have evolved imagination.
That's the argument of anthropologist Maurice Bloch of the London School of Economics. Bloch challenges the popular notion that religion evolved and spread because it promoted social bonding, as has been argued by some anthropologists.
Instead, he argues that first, we had to evolve the necessary brain architecture to imagine things and beings that don't physically exist, and the possibility that people somehow live on after they've died."
Science Fair: How to time travel
"There isn’t a proof that time travel exists, and time machines haven’t been invented in real life, but time travel isn’t physically impossible, and finds support in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
So, if we want to travel through time, all we have to do is spin around the Earth in a higher speed than the light. Then we would appear there before we left."
Worldometers - real time world statistics

Worldometers - real time world statistics
Worldometers is managed by an international team of developers, researchers, and volunteers with the goal of making world statistics available in a thought-provoking and time relevant format to a wide audience around the world.
Sources are carefully selected to include only data published by the most reputable organizations and statistical offices in the world.
The counters that display the real-time numbers are based on Worldometers’ algorithm that processes the latest and most accurate statistical data available together with its estimated progression to compute the current millisecond number to be displayed on each counter based on the specific time set on each visitor’s computer clock.Malcolm Gladwell - University of Arkansas Distinguished Lecture Series - 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 29

University of Arkansas - Daily Headlines: "Malcolm Gladwell, best selling author of Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, will give a lecture based on his book at 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 29, at the Fayetteville Town Center. Gladwell will speak as part of the University of Arkansas Distinguished Lecture Series. There will be a question and answer period after his lecture.
The event is free and open to the public. No tickets are required. The Town Center has a seating capacity of about 1,400 people."
The way to a man's heart? Through his left ear

The way to a man's heart? Through his left ear - Times Online:
"If you're thinking of asking your beloved to marry you, make sure that you utter your declaration of love into his or her left ear; it may increase your chances of hearing a heart-lifting “yes”. New research suggests that declarations of love, jokes, or words of anger are best remembered when they are heard through the left ear, while instructions, directions and non-emotional messages have more impact on the right side."
Ashley Alexandra Dupre: Spitzer Hooker Nabs Mariah Carey Manager

Ashley Alexandra Dupre: Spitzer Hooker Nabs Mariah Carey Manager:
"Ashley Dupre is one step closer to her big dream of being a famous singer instead of the most famous prostitute to service former Gov. Eliot Spitzer. She totally got signed by diva Mariah Carey's manager! Well, her ex-manager, at least. Before a big falling out."
Golden Years of Television Find New Life on the Web

Golden Years of Television Find New Life on the Web - New York Times:
"Within the last few months, television distributors have opened up their libraries of classic content online, making thousands of episodes of programs like “The Twilight Zone” and “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” available free.
On Monday, Warner Brothers is expected to add a new twist, announcing the rebirth of the WB broadcast network as an Internet destination and offering programs like “Everwood” online."
When Young Teachers Go Wild on the Web
"It's almost like Googling someone: Log on to Facebook. Join the Washington, D.C., network. Search the Web site for your favorite school system. And then watch the public profiles of 20-something teachers unfurl like gift wrap on the screen, revealing a sense of humor that can be overtly sarcastic or unintentionally unprofessional -- or both."