Sunday, October 23, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Google Earth to offer look inside Allen Fieldhouse |

Google Earth to offer look inside Allen Fieldhouse |

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

America in years before WW2

America in years before WW2

Laufender Tisch | Stilsucht

Laufender Tisch | Stilsucht

YouTube - Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

YouTube - Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

How Do You Talk To An Angel? Use Yobongo, They’re All Investing.

How Do You Talk To An Angel? Use Yobongo, They’re All Investing.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Drug clears the fog of a sleepless night

Drug clears the fog of a sleepless night : Nature News: "A sleepless night can leave your memory in tatters, but research in mice raises the possibility that a drug could counteract the problem.

Although anyone who has ever been deprived of sleep knows all too well how tiredness can affect the brain, the molecular mechanism behind it has eluded researchers. 'One of the main problems is that sleep deprivation does a lot of things to the brain, and it's easy to get caught in a mish-mash of different effects,' says Christopher Vecsey of Brandeis University in Massachusetts."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to Win an Argument About Vaccines | Magazine

How to Win an Argument About Vaccines | Magazine: "The anti-immunization crowd clings to well-worn myths. Arm yourself with facts."

Kids dope up to get 'high'

Kids dope up to get 'high': "Jeffrey is just one of at least six sophomores at the private Dalton School taking Humatrope, a designer drug for preteens that some experts call 'Miracle-Gro for kids.'

The growth hormones -- which are shockingly easy to get -- are being used increasingly by wealthy parents looking to give their children a leg up, literally, experts say."

Sunday, October 4, 2009

YouTube - Gyrowheel by Gyrobike interbike 2009

YouTube - Gyrowheel by Gyrobike interbike 2009

Dear Leornard

YouTube - The Monty Hall Problem Explained

YouTube - The Monty Hall Problem Explained